We must be aware that all born Muslims are not automatically guaranteed Paradise, because the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam) warned that a large part of the Muslim nation would follow the Jews and Christians so closely that if they entered a lizard hole, Muslims would climb in after them. [Bukhari hadith no. 422]
He also said that before the Last Day some Muslims would actually worship idols [Bukhari hadith no. 232]. All these muslims will have Muslim names and consider themselves muslims but it will have no benefit to them of the Day of Judgment. Today, there are Muslims all around the world praying to dead, building tombs and masjids over graves and even performing rites of worship around them.
Some have turned Qur'an into a good luck charm which they hang on chains around their neck, cars or key chains etc. Therefore, those who blindly follow their parent's belief need to stop and think whether they are Muslims by chance or Muslims by choice? Is islam what their parents, tribe, country did OR Qur'an and Prophet(salallahu alayhi wasallam) and his Companions(may Allah be pleased with all) did?
The covenant that every man made to Allah during pre-creation was that he would recognise Allah as his Lord and not worship anyone else. This is the essential meaning of shahadah- la ilaha illallah.
How can this covenant be fulfilled? It is fulfilled by sincerely believing in Tawheed and putting that belief into practise in daily life. Tawheed is practised by avoiding all acts of shirk and closely following sunnahs of the last messenger. Man must consider righteous deeds to be only those defined by Allah and his Prophet as being righteous and evil deeds likewise. This is important since a deed may seem good but in fact it is evil.
Example: a poor man might feel that to fulfill his need he must pray or beg before a king or saint. Wherein Allah has clearly told to ask Him directly without any intermediaries.
"And your Lord says, 'Call on Me; I Will answer your prayer'" (40:60)
Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam said, " if you ask in prayer, ask only Allah and if you seek help, seek it only from Allah" [Tirmidhi, an-Nawawi's 40 Hadiths]
Thus, the covenant of Allah can be fulfilled only by a Muslim by choice, regardless whether his parents are muslims or not.
Man's fitrah is the basis of Islam, so when he practises Islam in totality, his outer actions come in harmony with nature. The result is the creation of a truly pious man in the mold of Adam to whom Allah made the angels bow and whom Allah chose to rule the earth.
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